OLD APOGEE VERSION: v1.1Current Version

Downloads/Links - Current Versions

Apogee Application

Apogee Web Application Link (v1.1.0-p1) - This is the Apogee application running in a web browser. No installation required.

Apogee Electron Application Download (v1.1.0-p1) - This is the version of the Apogee application that is the same as the web version except it runs in Electron and allows you to save and open from your local file system. This should be used for any purpose aside from writing web services.
Install Instructions:

Go to Getting Started for help on using the Apogee application.

Apogee Web Services

Apogee Web Server Download (v1.1.0-p1) - This is a Node.js server that creates web services from Apogee workspaces.

Apogee "Node.js" Electron Application Download (v1.1.0-p1) - This is the version of the Apogee application that should be used for developing workspaces for the Apogee server.

For documentation on writing web services and for installation instructions: click here

Apogee Web Application Runtime

An Apogee workspace can used to add functionality to a web page. For documentation click here

The following links are needed:

Reference files used in the documentation example can be found here:


No modules currently listed

All Available Releases

To access previous versions of the Apogee and its assoicated web site, click here